Play Well This Summer!

Summer School.

Summer Job.

Summer Reading.

Yes, parents need to keep kids mentally active and productive in the summer. Growing up well requires hard work and intellectual development year round.

However, parents also need to help kids enjoy life fully, and that absolutely requires fun — the sort of fun that is a little dangerous and a whole lot dirty, wet, and sweaty.

The best kind of play requires kids to focus every ounce of their mental, emotional, and physical energy into that activity, and it should not include a digital screen. Video games are fine, but that’s not the best sort of play. It should look something like this.

So, this summer, consider what your family can do that is outside-the-theme-park fun. What can you get your kids to do that is requires movement, creativity, mental focus, and courage. What fun activities require all the senses? Here are a few ideas.

Fun Activities That You Can Do at Home

Underwater Egg Cracking (try it in a pool with goggles on)


Build a Rope Swing (make it a lot bigger than this)


Homemade Slip n Slide (make it a lot smaller than this)


For a Rainy Day, try creating a Rube Goldberg machine.


Click here for a bunch of other fun(ny) things that will stimulate your kids’ brains and sense of humor this summer.




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