It’s Never Too Late to Reconnect With Your Child

I could tell that things weren’t right with me and my boy. He was avoiding me. I was annoyed with him. We weren’t having fun, even when we were playing ping pong or shopping for soccer shoes. I didn’t know what to do. He was acting like a sulking 14 year old boy, and I was acting like a clueless 41 year old man. Too much time passed by, and it slowly was turning ugly. I was losing my boy. So, we had a family pow-wow.

Out of respect for him, I’ll leave out the details, but I have to say that it was not a pleasant conversation. It was just a conversation. Nobody yelled, but there were some tears. But eventually, after sharing a slew of thoughts and feelings, we reconnected. And boy did that feel good.

It’s never too late to sit down with your kid and just talk it out. Just don’t let things fester. Communicate. It may begin awkwardly, but it can end beautifully.

In a related blog post, Hands Free Mama writes about her renewing experience with her daughter. It’s a must read. Click here to read it.  Big thanks to her!

5 responses to “It’s Never Too Late to Reconnect With Your Child”

  1. Thank you for not waiting. Thank you for not saying, “It’s just a phase” or “Things will get better.” Thank you for being the parent and reaching out to your son. Thank you for bravely sharing your story so that someone just might find the courage to do stop wondering what’s wrong and speak up.

    I will remember this when my child is 14.


    1. Thank you for the fantastic blog post. You are an excellent writer, and clearly you are reaching many people with your openness. Keep it up.

      Andy K

  2. Glad you were able to reconnect. Communicating as they say is the key. It is also easier said than done.

    1. So true. It took me about two weeks to get up the nerve and make it happen. And even then, it was touch and go. It doesn’t always turn out well. But doing nothing ensures that it won’t turn out well.

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